Top 3 Stock Market Misconceptions


When people hear the phrase “stock market,” many things come into mind.  They think about companies, money, rich guys in elegant suits, and lengthy closed-door meetings with shareholders.   While many people have a good idea of what the stock market really is, misconceptions are still quite very common.

misconception, myth written on a sign, sky background

In this article, we’ll talk about such misconceptions and why they are wrong.  So, if you’re a newbie to the market and you’re still learning the ropes, you should read this article.

Misconception 1: Only the rich can invest in the stock market

This has been proven wrong through the years, but somehow there are still people who think the stock market is out of their reach.  The reason behind this misconception is largely because in the past, brokerage fees were quite high.

With the boom in technology, especially the internet, even ordinary people can start investing on the stock market.  You don’t have to whip out huge amounts of money to get started.

In addition, financial information about the companies, stocks, and real-time market conditions are now available to everyone, thanks again to the rise of the World Wide Web.  

Misconception 2: Investing is Gambling

This is another misconception that makes people refuse to invest in the stock market.  For some, investing and gambling are two different terms for the same activity.

What they miss is the inherent difference between the two activities.  When one buys stock, he buys an ownership in a company.  It gives them rights or claims on the company’s assets as well as a slice of the profits that the company has. 

Most of the time, people think of the stock as only an investment vehicle, and forget the fact that a stock represents an ownership of a company.

In the stock market, investors always try to assess the profit that will be left over for the shareholders.  This is the reason why stock prices are volatile.  Business outlook constantly changes, as well as the future earnings of the company.

Gambling is a zero-sum game, meanwhile.  This means that it merely takes money from a loser and hands it to a winner.  There’s no value created.

Misconception 3: You must be a genius

People shy away from the stock market thinking that it’s only for those who are well-endowed with financial and mathematical knowledge.  However, it doesn’t really work that.

The fact is that even those who have nothing to do with finance can start investing in the stock market, without having to present certificates or degrees. 

All you have to have is a good grasp of how the economy and the market work.  You don’t even have to dig deep right away.  You just have to remember some rules of thumb, maybe read some tips and advice. 

You can find a good broker to help you out as you start, and that’s all you really have to do.  That doesn’t require you to be rocket-scientist-level genius. 


The stock market isn’t as out of reach as many have been thinking.  Even the most ordinary people in can enter into the market and become a profitable investor.  If you’re planning to invest in the stock market, try to avoid the misconceptions listed above.

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